RE.THINK BUILDING 2023 conference

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30th June 2023 | 11 am – 16 pm CEST | Event-centre Moll pro clima, Schwetzingen.

Using circular and regional building materials for resilient and transparent supply chains

Natureplus News Healthy Buildings 2020

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European Event Series ‘Healthy Buildings, Healthy People’ with at least four web seminars in four different countries. Under the title “natureplus Europe – Healthy Buildings 2020”, natureplus and its international representatives organized an Europe-wide series of web seminars with building … Vervolgd

Communication of Bio-Based Products

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A BioCannDo webinar Date: The webinar is online since 10/05/2019 Click here to watch the webinar recording. BioCannDo is about explaining the idea of the bioeconomy and of bio-based end-products in a clear and understandable language, in a scientifically correct manner, … Vervolgd

MOOC Biobased Building

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From the 26th of March we will start again with a new MOOC, Biobased Building! This is the fourth biobased economy MOOC, developed by the Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy. What are the newest biobased materials for building or renovating … Vervolgd

Project S-ACT Tiny houses

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Investigation for possibilities biobased ‘Tiny Houses’ for housing, office, etc. Students conduct this research within the framework of the S-ACT program. The research will take place in early 2019 and will be completed in March 2019. Project description Exploring a … Vervolgd