donderdag 24 februari

The ASBP Healthy Buildings Conference returns for a 6th year, taking place online on 24th February 2022.
ASBP is delighted to be joined by a number of speakers at the forefront of their professions, with talks on indoor air quality and healthy product research, important new health & wellbeing standards, and cutting-edge case studies.
Confirmed speakers include:
Professor Nic Carslaw, Professor in Indoor Air Chemistry, University of York
Professor Avtar Matharu, Director of Green Chemistry, University of York
Andy Tugby, Site Manager, Human Nature
Dave Kieft, Managing Director, EFT Energy Consultants
Jean Hewitt, Senior Inclusive Design Consultant, BuroHappold
Amanda Long, Chief Executive, Considerate Constructors Scheme
Mark McKenna, Founding Director, Down to Earth (TBC)
Date: 24th February 2022
Time: 14:00-17:00
Cost: £37.50 (normal price), discount for natureplus and Stichting Agrodome members
Location: Online (Zoom)
Early bird tickets available for ASBP Healthy Buildings Conference, 24th February 2022.
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