maandag 03 - vrijdag 14 februari
De Nature Building Kit en Fossil Free Wardrobe zijn van 3 t/m 14 februari in het Atlas Gebouw op de campus van de WUR in Wageningen te bezichtigen.
Iedereen kan er langslopen en materialen bekijken. Op 4 februari en 6 februari rond lunchtijd (van 12.00 tot 13.30 zijn Paulien en Arjen van het Fossil Free Wardrobe project erbij om presentatie te geven/vragen te beantwoorden.
My Fossil Free Wardrobe
Textiles are everywhere: not just in your wardrobe, but also in your bedroom, kitchen, living room, and car. While we are used to wrapping ourselves in textiles, the way we do so is constantly evolving. Today, the textile industry is one of the biggest polluters due to its use of non-renewable resources and harmful chemicals. At Wageningen University and Research we work on sustainable solutions.
Textiles are complex materials, made with sophisticated techniques. They are not only functional but also aesthetic products. Comfort and emotion play a key role in consumers' choices. The challenge is to combine this with sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives.
The Nature Building Project
The Nature Building Project offers an interactive and experiential way to get people of all ages, backgrounds, education levels and worlds to think and act in building a greener world for everyone.
The Nature Building Project is an international, creative research program on sustainable building. In the program, we develop installations, exhibits, workshops, videos, live storytelling and other creative outcomes.
More information The Nature Building Project
WUR Atlas, gebouwnummer 104 ;
Droevendaalsesteeg 4. Gebouw 104 6708 PB
Maandag t/m vrijdag
07:00 – 19:00 uur
Zaterdag en zondag
10:00 – 16:00 uur
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