woensdag 20 oktober
Featured from the natureplus programma: WoonWijzerWinkel
Woensdag 20 oktober, 15.00 – 17.30
Woonwijzerwinkel Limburg, Roda JC Ring, Kerkrade
The WoonWijzerWinkel is an exhibition and energy counter for advice on sustainable building.
On October 20, a nice addition will be made about bio-based renovation solutions.
There will also be a lecture on environmental and indoor climate benefits.
The presentation is in Dutch or English, depending on the guests.
Registration for WoonWijzerWinkel
If you are unable to come because you or you're colleague might have a cold or Covid-19 we accept you're absence of course. Please let us know before we start. If you or you're colleague do not show up, without a message the Stichting Agrodome may charge the costs for this event of € 30,-.
Natureplus complete program in Europe
12 - 22 oktober, online and on-site events
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