Natureplus news and two more web seminar series upcoming autumn

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Need for a change in construction and housing 

Construction and housing continue to be responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions across sectors, which is why a great deal of decarbonization has to be done very quickly. The failures of the past are catching up with politics and the construction industry: The overdue energetic renovation of the huge building stock is stalling, we heat (too much) with the wrong heating system and build and renovate with the wrong materials. And all of this in times of exploding (rental) prices and (construction) costs … All of a sudden, good advice is urgently needed.

This development gives the right to those who have been working consistently on the greening of building since yesterday, who know about sustainable building materials and construction methods and who can correctly measure and evaluate climate protection in building. Suddenly the advice of natureplus is called for – and we are facing up to this challenge, as our Annual General Meeting again this year has shown. With this in mind, we wish you every success in your commitment to sustainable building.

Increased activities in various European countrieslogo natureplus

The International Association for Sustainable Building and Living natureplus e.V. emerged from this year’s General Assembly with a growing staff and once again an increased level of activity in various European countries.  

An amendment to the statutes, makes it possible to continue to hold meetings virtually in the future, which, with the participation of numerous members from other European countries, means real progress for the grassroots. Nevertheless, the aim is to hold another meeting in person in 2022 in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the natureplus ecolabel in an appropriate manner.

New projects

“Carbon sequestration in bio-based building products” and “Basic requirements for sustainable building materials”. 

For autumn this year, Nature plus announces two more web seminar series – again partly held in English – on the topics of “Carbon sequestration in bio-based building products” and “Basic requirements for sustainable building materials”. 

After a long period of preparation, natureplus has once again succeeded in acquiring government funding for its work. This will support the “Building Materials Turnaround” activities and a new study on “Sustainability in the Construction Supply Chain”, which will be launched at the end of the year. Another funding application in the area of development cooperation is currently being submitted by natureplus together with some partners. It is important to Buschmann (President Rolf Buschmann of Nature plus) to involve the members of the association in all these activities. A working group is planned on the topic of “circular construction”, which is to develop the basis for a new criterion for the natureplus label. In addition, a marketing commission is planned, which is to take care of making the label more practical to use for users and to better present its benefits.


Other subjects in newsletter 05-2021 

(mixed content German and English)


Lehmbau in moderner Architektur 

In der 3. Folge der natureplus-Seminarreihe “Baustoffe der Zukunft” ging es um den traditionellen Baustoff Lehm, der aktuell eine Renaissance in moderner Architektur erfährt. […]

Gips oder Lehm? 

Der Gipsbauplatte droht durch das Ende der Kohleverstromung ein Wegfall der Rohstoffgrundlage. Lehmbauplatten sind eine umweltfreundliche Alternative. […]


Eco-friendly bricks? 

The web seminar series “Building Materials of the Future” dealt with the traditional building material brick on 30 April. Can it meet the requirements of the future? […]


Zukunftsbaustoff Ziegel? 

In der Webseminarreihe “Baustoffe der Zukunft” ging es am 30.4. um den Traditionsbaustoff Ziegel. Kann er den Anforderungen der Zukunft gerecht werden? […]

Mitglieder und Partner

Handlungsdruck steigt enorm 

Über Konsequenzen aus dem Klimaschutz-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts für den Gebäudesektor sprachen Fachleute auf Einladung der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH). […]

Sanierungsfall Klimaschutz 

Gebäude-Allianz fordert ambitionierte Maßnahmen für einen klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand […]

Bündnis kritisiert Gebäudeeffizienzerlass 

Die Organisationen A4F, BDA, DEN, DGNB, DUH, NABU und natureplus kritisieren fehlende Lebenszyklusbetrachtung im neuen Gebäudeeffizienzerlass der Bundesregierung, eine Abrisswelle droht, gleichzeitig gibt es Sanierungsstau bei Bundesgebäuden […]

Produkte und Angebote

Pocketplaner Renovieren 

Die Verbraucherzentrale NRW gibt einen Überblick zum schadstoffarmen Renovieren und Einrichten […]

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