Project S-ACT Tiny houses

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Investigation for possibilities biobased ‘Tiny Houses’ for housing, office, etc.tiny-house-wageningen

Students conduct this research within the framework of the S-ACT program. The research will take place in early 2019 and will be completed in March 2019.

Project description

Exploring a transition for Tiny houses and bio based building design in ‘De Dreijen’, Wageningen.


Jan van Dam (WUR-FBR)
Fred van der Burgh, Sissy Verspeek (Agrodome Advies en Ontwikkeling).


In Wageningen, the municipality has an ambition to create a place for biobased ‘Tiny Housing’. Already, a group of people (Tiny House Wageningen) have announced themselves as being interested in living in such houses. De Dreijen, the old campus of the Wageningen University, is mentioned as a possible suitable location for this project.


Within this consultancy report, the consumer wishes and demands, the legal regulations, and options for financing biobased ‘Tiny houses’ on De Dreijen will be investigated. The team that works on this project has all the expertise for gaining the required information and put this to writing in a solid business case.

Suveys and interviews

Two consumer scientists will be researching consumer preferences through conducting surveys and interviews. One team member has experience regarding legal housing regulation and another team member has expertise on writing business cases.

Besides delivering a consultancy report, a presentation will be held where all interested parties are invited and the most important findings will be addressed.

About Academic Consultancy Trainingbeeld WUR-food-biobased-research

Wageningen University & Research offers the possibility to have a project carried out by Master students at relatively little cost and time. For students, this is an opportunity to work on a project for a client in the final phase of their studies in a real-life setting.



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